Research Areas
Next-generation wireless communication & networking
Data & information science (data science, information theory, detection & estimation theory, signal processing, sensing, etc.)
Cyber-physical system security
RF & baseband implementation related issues
Selected Current Projects
Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC)
Security in COTS based IoT and Artificial Intelligence of Things
Research Topics
5G & Beyond related theory, techniques and applications
Digital Twin (DT) assisted communication system optimization
Proactive radio resource allocation/management in ultra-dense networks (UDNs) and heterogeneous networks
Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) or joint communication and sensing (JC&S)
- Crowd sensing using communication signals of opportunity​
- Precise phase-based ranging and motion detection
- Cyber-physical system security​
Cyber security relating to sensors (RADAR, LIDAR, cameras and acoustic sensors) used in autonomous vehicles
Applications of AI/machine learning
Reinforcement learning for solving complicated optimization problems
AIoT and distributed edge intelligence leveraged by opportunistic networking
Experimental verification and proof-concept prototyping
Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
Testbed development of mmWave communication and sensing